Raise your children to love Jihad and its people


One’s family and children are the preparation for the future and are themselves the future generation, so it is a must to raise one’s family and children upon the love of Jihâd and the Mujâhidîn, and the concepts of martyrdom and sacrifice for the Religion of Allâh, so that when they finally desires to go out in the Path of Allâh, you would be of those who cooperated with them upon obedience.

And from the additional benefits of this is that it makes the family ready and willing to serve the Mujâhidîn and to shelter the fugitives from amongst them. And from the additional benefits of this is that it one’s sons will carry on the Jihâd even after he himself has left this life.

‘Abdullâh bin az-Zubayr’s father, az-Zubayr bin al-‘Awwâm, would bring him along to witness battles from an early age, and he would help tend to the injured Mujâhidîn. So, when he came of age, he became who he was: a man of bravery and courage. Likewise, whoever is brought up upon something, he grows up to become it.

And from the methods of raising one’s children and family upon Jihâd are:

• Teaching them the biography of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and the stories of the battles that he took part in
• Teaching them of the heroic feats of the Companions and the Tâbi’în that are authentically reported in the books of history
• Bringing to them tapes (both video and audio) of Jihâd and the Mujâhidîn so that they would increase in their love of Jihâd and attachment to the Mujâhidîn
• Telling them the stories from the news and the lives of the Mujâhidîn – both past and present
• Listening to tapes that admonish and speak of issues related to Jihâd and martyrdom, as well as the virtue of martyrdom
• Naming one’s children after the past and present heroes of Jihâd

Muhammad bin Ahmad as-Sālim (‘Īsā al-‘Awshin) – 19/5/1424 H

On tarbiya in modern age

On tarbiya in modern age…

In the age of open media and technology, the fitnah (trials) of desires is among the greatest challenges facing our children. We need more than just passing advice and temporary monitoring… we need to see the big picture; consider early marriage, work on strengthening faith, encourage self-censorship, work on cleansing schools and neighbourhoods, fill their free time with serious or permissible matters while trying to strengthen our relationship with them.

Sh. Salih al-Munajjid

Sheikh as-Shahid Abdullah Azzam advice to his wife and Muslim women


Oh you Muslim women! Be Aware of extravagance for it is the enemy of jihad and it causes the death of the human soul. Beware of complementary commodities and stick to the basic necessities. Bring up your children to be brave and courageous. Let your houses be places for lions not chicken farms in which your sons will be fed then slaughtered by tyrants like sheep. Instill in the hearts of your sons the love for Jihad and the love of battlefields. Share the problems of Muslim Ummah. Live one day a week like refuges and Mujahideen live. They live on dry bread and tea.

Oh! You children of Islam! Get accustomed to the noise of bombs, mortar shells and the sounds of jet fighters and tanks and avoid luxury.

Oh! You wife of mine! I have too much to say to you, May Allah reward you on my behalf and on the behalf of the Muslims.You were patient with me and you stood by me though out the thick and the thin with patience and courage. From you I got the support I needed to carry on this Jihad. I let you assume the responsibility of the house in 1969, when we had three small children living in one small room with no kitchen and no utilities. When the family became larger, the children grown up and our guests increased, You tolerated this and much more for Allah and my sake. I pray that Allah reward you on My behalf. Had it not been for your patience, I would have never been able to bear this burden alone, you are a content wife who doesn’t care for material things and you never complained about having too little of it. You have never been extravagant when we have had some wealth.

The life of Jihad is the most joyous life, tolerating difficulties is better than living luxuriously. Be content Allah will love you, have no desire for what other people have, people will love you. Qur’an is the joy of life, tahajjud, extra fasting, asking Forgiveness. All these makes the heart transparent and worship sweet. Sticking to the basic needs, lawful goodies, keeping distance from glamour and extravagance brings peace and serenity to the heart. I pray to Allah that he unites us in paradise as he united us in life.

Mothers: Producers of Heroes

“…Mothers play a great role in building a generation. The better a mother is at raising her children, the more successfully the Ummah is built and the more successful it is at producing heroes. You hardly ever see a great man except that a great woman is behind him who left some of her traits in his personality by way of the milk from which he was fed and the warm embrace in which he sought refuge.

Most men find it hard to remove these shining images from their minds that they retain of their mothers. These outstanding images that ran through his veins from a young age remain engraved in his mind, and he cannot help but to remember them with veneration and pride. He recalls the simple, clear words that his mother left his spirit with, and these words grow to become milestones on his path and guiding lights on his quest.

He cannot help but to place himself under the vast shade that his mother provided for him throughout the long course of his life, nurtured by the pleasant emotions and mixed with the eternal days of his life. These realities grow in his spirit and become an inseparable part of his personality that he cannot let go of without letting go of his humanity.

This is why preserving this affection and repaying this kindness with kindness is an obligation in Islam that is

directly partnered with Tawhid: {“…and your Lord ordained that you worship only Him, and that you treat your parents with excellence…”} [al-Isra’; 32] And disobedience to them is directly partnered with kufr.

Respect for mothers occupies a very high position on the ladder of Islam, and is very heavy in its scales. It is reported in the ‘Sahih’ that a man came to the Messenger of Allah (saw) and said: “O Messenger of Allah, who is most deserving of my kind treatment?” He replied:“Your mother.” The man asked: “Then who?” He replied: “Your mother.” The man asked again: “Then who?” He replied: “Your mother.” The man asked again: “Then who?” He replied: “Your father.”

I once said to Ibrahim al-Akhdar – the imam of the Haram in Makkah – “Why do you prevent your sweet voice from being heard by the Muslims who come from everywhere to hear it? How can you request to return to Madinah when some people say that hearing you recite the Qur’an is like hearing it descending fresh from the heavens?”

So, he replied: “My treasures in this world are my grandmother and mother, and I must fulfill my responsibilities to them and treat them well. Nobody can do this but me.”

I said: “Why don’t you bring your grandmother here?”

He said: “She refuses to leave Madinah out of fear that she might die outside of it, and her greatest wish is to be buried in the graveyard of al-Baqi’.”

And indeed, Ibrahim actually left the Haram in Makkah and went back to leading a small mosque in Madinah, sticking to the Paradise that is at the foot of his mother and grandmother…”

[‘Majallat al-Jihad’; #36, Rabi’ al-Awwal 1408]

Courtesy of Iskandrani.wordpress.com